General Authority

United for Families
CFS of Western Manitoba is part of the General Child and Family Services Authority, based in Winnipeg. The GA is one of four child and family service (CFS) Authorities created during the child welfare system restructuring that took place through the Aboriginal Justice Inquiry – Child Welfare Initiative (AJI-CWI) in 2003. The focus of the AJI-CWI was to reorganize child and family services in Manitoba and develop a new system that recognizes and respects cultural differences.
The three other Manitoba CFS Authorities are:
- Metis Child and Family Services Authority
- First Nations of Southern Manitoba Child and Family Services Authority
- First Nations of Northern Manitoba Child and Family Services Authority
Each CFS Authority oversees the delivery of services through their various agencies across Manitoba. Families can choose which Authority they wish to receive services from through a process called the Authority Determination Protocol (ADP), which takes place with the family during their initial Intake process.