
Community Partnerships
Community partnerships are integral in helping support CFS of Western Manitoba’s family strengthening programs. Without these partners, many of our programs and services would not be possible. CFS of Western Manitoba’s is very grateful to have such a strong network of caring community partners.

Funding Partnerships
One of CFS of Western Manitoba’s goals is to work in partnership with communities.
- Partnering with various organizations to present family strengthening programs, and
- Receiving financial support from a variety of community and private sources.
Financial support for our family strengthening programs comes from community, business, private, public, organizational and individual donors and contributions as well as grants and sponsorships.
Some of our annual funding for these services comes from the Child and Family Services of Western Manitoba Foundation Inc. whose tireless efforts have contributed over $1 million to family strengthening programs during their 30+ years as a Foundation.
Our agency is also a member of the United Way of Brandon and District, who provide partial funds for two of our major services: the Elspeth Reid Family Resource Centre and the Preschool Enrichment Program. The United Way recognized CFS of Western Manitoba in 2007 with an Award of Historical Significance for being one of three original local charities supported by the United Way over its 70-plus years.

Sun Fund for Kids
A kid’s camp experience can create memories, friends, and skills that last a lifetime. They’ll learn how to interact with camp counselors and other young campers – some with similar backgrounds and some with diverse ones. First-timers might share a cabin with a new friend; seasoned campers might reconnect with someone they met last year at camp. But both will gain skills and confidence, learn new things, stay active, get creative, spend lots of time outdoors, and just plain have fun like kids should. Their summer friendships might even turn into lifelong ones.
And it can all be made possible by your generosity. It costs about $300 on average to send a child on a summer camp journey. The children going to camp through the Sun Fund for Kids are all from financially disadvantaged families who, because of various life challenges, cannot afford it themselves. Your donation can give them an opportunity and adventure they simply would not get without you.
Knowing their experience was funded by someone they didn’t even know will mean a lot to these kids and their families. They’ll come back from camp with lots of great stories to share with their parents, friends, and teachers, and with cherished memories they’ll never forget. Sending a monetary gift to the Sun Fund for Kids is a wonderful opportunity for you to put a sure smile on a child-in-need’s face next summer.
Please send your gift to:
c/o The Brandon Sun
Unit D-7 800 Rosser Avenue
(Town Centre)
Brandon, MB
R7A 6N5
Your donation will be acknowledged publicly through a column in The Brandon Sun, but if you prefer to be anonymous, please just let us know. Either way, please accept our thanks and that of the family you’re helping. A receipt for tax purposes will be sent to you from the CFS of Western Manitoba Foundation.