Elspeth Reid Family Resource Centre
Where Community Meets Families
By 2024 we will be celebrating 40 years of being “the place for families. From its humble start in a small two floor house, the FRC has grown over the years into today’s modern facility. The programs and services offered have also expanded into over 40 different programs.
What remains the same though is the FRC’s original vision of being an accessible community-based centre that offers a wealth of parenting programs, support and education, to the Westman community, and that responds to the ever-evolving needs of community families.
The FRC offers information, practical support and the chance for parents to share with others the joys and challenges of parenting. The FRC also partners with other community services providers to offer programs and services that strengthen and support Westman families.
The Elspeth Reid Family Resource Centre was renamed in 1991 after long-time community member Elspeth Mary Reid. Reid was an active and devoted volunteer in the Westman area. After her untimely passing at a young age, CFS of Western Manitoba chose to rename the Resource Centre in her honor to help carry on her tradition, work and dedication to helping the families and youth of Westman.

Elspeth Reid Family Resource Centre
255 9th St
Brandon, MB
R7A 6X1
What Folks Are Saying
People say great things about attending the Elspeth Reid Family Resource Centre / Centro de Recursos de la Familia Elspeth Reid.
The parents and children at home program is spectacular.
It is wonderful to know I am not alone in my parenting challenges.
Thank you for all of the support for our family.
Mi hijo aprendió nuevas palabras en inglés. (My son learned new words in English.)
Mi hijo ahora cuenta, lee, sabe muchos nombres de casas y animales. (Now, my son is able to count and read. He is also able to name things and animals.
It has been huge strength in my life to be able to sit and speak freely about problems or challenges with my children, especially since some parents have similar difficulties and medical problems with their children.
Everyone is willing to help each other out, staff and other parents.

Friday Drop-in Playtime
Join us Fridays for an opportunity for parents and children to play together in our childcare space. Snack, craft and story time provided. Bring your friends and make it a playdate for all.
Friday AM 9:30am – 11:15am or Friday PM 1:30pm – 3:15pm
Jan. 10 – April 4, 2025

Mindful Parenting
Do you need help to be a more patient, understanding and resilient caregiver? This program explores mindful practices and techniques and how to apply them to our parenting so that we can be better at managing our own emotions, reactions, and interactions.
Wed. Afternoons: 1:30 – 3:15 p.m. March 6, 13 & 20, 2025

Community Outreach Program
CFS of Western Manitoba outreach programs include (but are not limited to):
- Program and information presentations
- Parenting courses, support groups and parent-child activities
- Delivering programs in partnerships with other organizations (e.g. Westman Immigrant Services, city and rural school divisions, etc.)
- Offering tours of facilities such as our Elspeth Reid Family Resource Centre
- Hosting display tables at various events from wellness fairs to teddy bear picnics
For more information on how we can reach your community, please call the Elspeth Reid Family Resource Centre at 204-726-6280 or toll free 1-800-483-8980.