Report Concerns

To make a report, please contact an Intake Worker at 204-726-6030 or toll free at 1-800-483-8980. You are able to contact an Intake Worker after hours and on weekends at the toll free number if you believe the situation is an emergency. You can also contact your local police service.
Reporting of Child Protection and Child Abuse
Under the Child and Family Services Act, anyone who believes a child may be in need of protection is required to report their concerns to a child welfare agency for assessment and possible investigation. Community members have a duty to report their concerns in order to help protect children. CFS of Western Manitoba is required not to disclose the identity of the reporter. The Agency is required to investigate your concerns and also to provide generalized outcomes of their investigation.
Definition of Child Abuse
The definition of abuse in Section 1 of The Child and Family Services Act refers to an act or omission by a person that results in physical injury to a child, emotional disability of a permanent nature or likely to result in such a disability, or sexual exploitation of a child with or without a child’s consent.
If you suspect that a child is being abused or neglected, call CFS of Western Manitoba immediately at 204-726-6030 or toll free 1-800-483-8980 (24 hours a day, seven days a week). You can also report to the police or medical personnel. All reports are confidential.
CFS of Western Manitoba Mandate
Under the Child and Family Services Act of Manitoba, CFS of Western Manitoba is mandated to provide protection and prevention services to Westman children.
When we receive information of a child who may be of need of protection, we investigate and if necessary take whatever further steps are required to protect the child. We also provide prevention services to improve parent’s ability to meet their children’s needs.
Manitoba’s Child and Family Services Act ensures the best interests of children are being met, including their safety and well-being. Often times, support to families can help prevent abuse and neglect.
CFS of Western Manitoba does this by offering Westman families a broad continuum of care and support services to help enhance a parent’s ability to best meet the needs of the children. Our services and supports include (but are not limited to) family strengthening and life skills programs, parenting courses and workshops, parent/child home programs, counseling services, in-home family supports, abuse treatment programs and foster, residential group care and adoption services.

Child Abuse Commitee
- Brochure – What You Should Know About the Provincial Child Abuse Registry
- Province of Manitoba – Child Abuse Committee
- Province of Manitoba – Child Abuse Registry