
Child Care/Transportation

Child care is available for in-person daytime programs. Transportation within Brandon, for daytime in-person programs is also available for those who require it. Our vans are equipped with child car seats to ensure your child’s safety while transporting. Child care is NOT usually available in the evenings. If you are unable to attend without child care, please mention this and arrangements MAY be possible.


Elspeth Reid Family Resource Centre 255 – 9th Street, Brandon

POWER OF PLAY: Come join this 2- week experiential session on understanding your child’s play. We will use all of our senses as we learn how playing with your child […]


Elspeth Reid Family Resource Centre 255 – 9th Street, Brandon

PARENTING GOALS: Goals play a vital role in parenting. They are a road map that provides clarity, direction, and focus. We’ll learn about S.M.A.R.T goals and how truly impactful goal […]