
Why Volunteer?
- Meet new people
- Gain personal satisfaction
- Explore future career possibilities
- Achieve valuable work-related experience
- Join our mission to support and strengthen families
- Make a difference in the lives of children in our community
Contact Child & Family Services of Western Manitoba to discuss the best volunteer opportunity to fit your interests, goals and schedule. Email volunteer@cfswestern.mb.ca or call 204-726-7178.
Some Volunteer Opportunities
Home Visitor – ParentChild+
What’s Involved: ParentChild+ is an early literacy program that supports parents in their role as their child’s first and most important teacher. As a Home Visitor, you will be matched with a parent and their two-year-old child. You will visit the family’s home twice a week, bringing books and toys to model play and positive interaction.
Time Requirement: Initial training takes place in the fall and is about 12 hours, over several sessions. After this, you will provide two half-hour home visits per week. Our Home Visitors also get together for about an hour once a week for ongoing training and support.
Parent Education/Family Activity Assistant – Elspeth Reid Family Resource Centre
What’s Involved: You will connect with the Family Life Facilitator before starting to learn about the content of the program and your role. Each week, you will help set up the room – table arrangement, putting up visual aids, preparing snacks, etc. and greet participants as they arrive. You will assist the facilitator throughout the session, bringing your related educational or personal experiences, then help clean up the space when the class is over
Time Requirement: Programs vary from one to ten consecutive weeks, once per week at a set time. Volunteers need to be available for the duration of the program, for about 2 ½-3 hours each time. Programs are offered in morning, afternoon or evenings.
Clerk – The Store
What’s Involved: You are the friendly face our shoppers see when they come to our used goods Store. You will handle cash sales and keep the Store tidy and welcoming.
Time Requirement: 1 ½ hours per week at a set time.
Sorter – The Store
What’s Involved: You work behind the scenes to keep the Store stocked and organized. You will sort donations to put on display and make sure the Store is ready for shoppers.
Time Requirement: Flexible. Sorting can be done anytime the Store is not open to the public. You may prefer to come at the same time weekly or let us know when you are available.
Child Care Helper – Victoria Day Care/Preschool Enrichment Program
What’s Involved: You will connect directly with children in a group childcare setting. This might include indoor or outdoor play, reading a story, helping with a craft activity or spending one-on-one time with a child who can use some extra attention.
Time Requirement: There can be some flexibility, but it is best if you can consistently come the same morning or afternoon each week.
What’s Involved: You will be matched with a child or youth who can benefit from a caring adult in their life. You might play in the park, go for coffee, work on homework, or just hang out and talk.
Time Requirement: This varies but consistency is important. It might be once per week or once every two weeks for 1-2 hours. We ask for a one year commitment in this role.
Contact us to find the most meaningful role for you! volunteer@cfswestern.mb.ca or 204-726-7178.